Thursday, February 12, 2009

Deja Vu All Over Again

Well we had high winds and rain last night and just like in September when Ike hit the area we lost power around 8:30PM. Now the road is closed since a huge tree in the Cincinnati Nature Center fell across Tealtown road closing it last night and most of today. It is laying over the power lines and the pole needs to be replaced. We hope they are able to get power back on faster than last time. We will have to stay some where if it is not one tonight, just to cold to sleep in the house. Was wonderful taking a luke warm shower and did not shave today since I really do not care what I look like at work. This comes after a day of talking to my Lawyer about the law suit. Seems all the ducks are in a row, we just need to tie up a few details before he files the paper work.

Min was not happy this morning and none of use are looking forward to coming home if they do not restore power by then. Last night I did not get much sleep with the howling winds and trucks looking over the damage. Lots of flashing lights make for little sleep. I think we are going to look into a generator for the house. Either a small one for lights or what some neighbors have that power up when power goes off. Pricey but worth the money in the long run, perhaps. At least we lost no trees and from what I saw the roof is intact as well as the gutters. We are thankful for some of our blessings.


  1. A 5KW generator will run most houses. They can be had for less than the cost of most decent lenses.

  2. I am thinking about buying a small one, and looking into the larger automatic versions. I did not mind it that much, everyone was safe. We got power back around 2PM, beats 6 days like last time.
