It is kind of sad to see the old truck go. It was one of those projects you want to do but never seem to get the time to work on it. I bought the truck back in 1990 when I was in outside sales. It was a cool 4 wheeler and worked well as a family car. We took many a trip in the truck and I had 150,000 on it when Oil Express worked on it.
They put the wrong fluid in the brakes and Min lost brakes while in traffic near a parade. All the brake lines and cylinder needed replacing and Min hit someone causing damage to the right front. It needed more work and Oil Express refused to take any responsibility. One reason I only have dealerships or myself replace oil any more. The Bronco sat waiting for me to have it fixed but time passed and it started to rust. The sitting caused problems, so it was time to say good bye to the old friend. Many people wanted it for parts.
It has been busy around here of late. We are having a lot of work done to the house to repair and fix up the old home. New coat of paint, gutters and landscaping. Throwing stuff away we do not need or use and getting the garage ready. All this and a cool trip to the Caribbean on a huge cruise ship. Spent some time in Old San Juan before boarding the Adventure of the Seas. It was a great cruise with good weather, service and rooms. Next post I will add some pictures. Time is short of late with work and getting stuff done that I have needed to do for some time.