The economy is in the tank, he's taking the deficit and debt to historic, epic, impossible to deal with levels, with nothing to show for it, while shilling for more domestic programs that will probably literally annihilate the middle class. Ah, but that will probably happen even if none of them pan out. The mounting debt is frightening. No worries, Barry gives good socialistic speeches and the god like swoon in wonderment. There is a large segment of people here who are terrible at math and who believe in unicorns. I see that there are also some of these folks in Europe. But even the Germans, French and English are turning more to the right and capitalism.
This country was built on freedom and sweat equity. We've turned into a nation of whiners and weenies. Needing government handouts instead of knowing that the answer is to work harder. The grownups are dying out and all that will be left will be people scrambling for the dole. Like siblings after the funeral of the last parent.
If you can clap for that, you probably are receiving government checks. When you take away personal responsibility, you end up with irresponsible people. Modern America.