It took Duke Energy 130+ hours to restore our electric. All food was lost in the fridge and Min's salt water reef aquarium lost most of her fish. The dry Hurricane Ike hit the area mid Sunday the 14th we lost power about 2PM. Lost of damge from winds from 50 to 80 mph. We were out at a locale Taste of Clermont which got blown out and closed right after the band got done.
The picture was taken about 4PM during the height of the storm. The tree fell 50' from where I was standing. It had the road totally blocked. A local neighbor drove through my neighbors yard in his pick up truck. I was standing in the road taking pictures dodging pine cones. He stopped and said something about coming back. About 15 minutes later I see the pick up truck with the bearded guy standing up in the bed coming back. They brought a huge chain saw and started to remove the tree.
Soon other men began to help and within 20 minutes had half the road open to traffic. If these good men had not returned I am sure the road would have been closed for at least a day or two. We were lucky, no major damage to the house and no one hurt. Just no power and cold showers, the house is all electric. We lost power at work for 5 days as well. My oldest son told us we are living the Amish way for the next few days. It was bad but nothing like what th folks in the Gulf are dealing with at this time. Our prayers go out to them.