Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life Before Color

Melissa Howard a dear friend and great photographer does nice B&W art. She saw this one in color and encouraged me to try B&W, so here it is Abner Hollow Cabin in B&W. I hope to travel there this week end for some floating leaf pictures, it is getting to be that season of the year.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The guy was fun to photograph, I will share a few more later, still editing old folders, so much stuff that I like still needs resizing and a PS touch ups. I will have much to look over this winter when the snow is blowing.

That is when this place is cold, Lakeside in late winter is brutal. I have been there for short periods and the Lake winds can be strong and icy. Min's Grand Father ( Al ) Albert Kelso, and he lovely wife Mary Kelso ( Sowash ) who lived in Lakeside and Later Island View took many pictures of the lake front where ice coated the shoreline. Al Kelso was a good photographer, I have much of his work. More time to scan and touch up, time I do not have right now. Time to get off here for the evening.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pumpkin Run 2008

You can see some very fine vintage cars from all of the way back to the Teens. From early days to 70s cars and trucks of every make and model you can think of ... it was there. Some pictures later to follow, tired and did not want to take them off the flash card tonight.

We worked the Ham & Cheese and Chicken sandwich booth at the Pumpkin Run to get some money for the band and year end dinner. The band always needs money, seem the way of school bands. Min put in some long hours both Saturday and Sunday, her main support for the band. It was very busy this year because of the nice weather. We were selling out of food since it was about 3 times the average for the show. Odd for such a poor economy, or is it as bad as some say. This one taken a couple years ago there.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't Take My Picture

It is what he always says to me when I see him at a food festival. Then he kind of poses and smiles, he is a Cincinnati Icon. The Emperor of Ribs is what I first knew him as, but he also cooks lots of Cajun food. This was taken a couple years ago at the Inland Sea Food Festival. It was held that year at Newport on the Levy.

I was digging though Archives of pictures looking for a old one and ran across thi capture. I had about 20 of him I took that night, the light seemed right on this one, I liked his eye contact with a paying customer. One thing I like about street photography, you most often meet some very nice people.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sunset Waves

The high wind made for some nice pictures of waves crashing to the dock at Lakeside Ohio. This was during our July summer vacation, we stayed a week with our third son Sam. It was not that breezy at the cottage but the shallow lake depth and winds stir up quickly on Lake Erie.

Needless to say, you go down the path for something and then find not what I had expected. When I went down to the dock for a few sunset pictures, I found it closed but ended up with some great waves pictures. Put the camera on CH and set my focus and tried to time the waves. Got lucky on a few, was not what I had planned to do. But just like in life you have to learn to adjust.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Things my Father told me.

Time ticks away and every second that passes is gone. You can not go back you can not stop it, time keeps moving. Like a river that always seems to flow. When I look back I recall good times, and not so good times.

But they seem to go up and down much like what seems to be happening in the financial sector. I wish they would stop pointing fingers for once and work for the better of the country. Some have seemed to forget that at this important time. One of those times you do not soon forget. Nor should we forget

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunset for Two

A couple enjoys a late summer evening sunset over Lake Erie.

Summer seems to be over now. The winds blow cooler and the sunsets are earlier. It has been dry here for a couple months, we had a few showers but that was over two weeks ago. Everything is dry and this is not what the trees needed with the storm included. I have been watering some of my trees.

The seasons seem to come and go a bit faster these days. Hard to tell where the time goes. Work for the week end and try to catch up on chores. Time to get ready for winter. House needs work as well as the yard. Life moves on, time, it is priceless.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Closing Act

The CNE Rockets Marching Band was the last show of the Taste of Clermont County, Ohio. We were there when the storm began the kick in, all had left before the high winds. This is one of the new Sousaphone players in the band.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Good Neighbors

It took Duke Energy 130+ hours to restore our electric. All food was lost in the fridge and Min's salt water reef aquarium lost most of her fish. The dry Hurricane Ike hit the area mid Sunday the 14th we lost power about 2PM. Lost of damge from winds from 50 to 80 mph. We were out at a locale Taste of Clermont which got blown out and closed right after the band got done.

The picture was taken about 4PM during the height of the storm. The tree fell 50' from where I was standing. It had the road totally blocked. A local neighbor drove through my neighbors yard in his pick up truck. I was standing in the road taking pictures dodging pine cones. He stopped and said something about coming back. About 15 minutes later I see the pick up truck with the bearded guy standing up in the bed coming back. They brought a huge chain saw and started to remove the tree.

Soon other men began to help and within 20 minutes had half the road open to traffic. If these good men had not returned I am sure the road would have been closed for at least a day or two. We were lucky, no major damage to the house and no one hurt. Just no power and cold showers, the house is all electric. We lost power at work for 5 days as well. My oldest son told us we are living the Amish way for the next few days. It was bad but nothing like what th folks in the Gulf are dealing with at this time. Our prayers go out to them.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

People Are Strange

When your a stranger, people look ugly when your alone.
Live on the Dock is always a Carnival, like real life.
The man just seemed to want to walk around above people that day.
A nice fellow out for a mid day walk and some enjoyment.