I find with ever passing day times seems to move faster. Ty is getting ready to head off to College and Max is not far behind. I wonder what it will be like in our home once the boys have moved on and started the adult phase of their lives. My sons are different in mood and how they seem to look at life. Much like my brother and myself. Looking back through my archives of pictures it brings back strong memories of my parents and what life was like when I was growing up. Life is Deer Park was typical Americana with kids on every street and people sitting out on porches late on summer nights to stay cool. Few people had air conditioning when I was a kid. Neighbors knew one another and often would talk to each other as they relaxed on front porches.
Time marches on and in some ways it brings new good things. In some ways it brings some not so good things. Times are a changing, it just seems it is picking up pace the older I get. I think things are changing faster than when I was younger. I wonder what life will be like for my kids when they get to be my age. I hope they are happy, one wish I have for them is to enjoy having some kids like them, they have been a pure joy and a reason for pride and enjoyment in my life. If you think about it in the end they really are the only thing I will leave behind that will last. Just like my parents, my heroes.