Thanks giving was nice. Got to spend time with Dad and Martha's family is always enjoyable. Feel old talking to Ben and Jake who I use to see run around as 1 year old kids. Got news we maybe going on a cruise on the Oasis this summer. Now that would be very cool. The ship is huge and it would be fun to photograph.
Did something to my foot Friday night, not sure what but it sure hurt Saturday morning. Wanted to go to Rowe Woods but the cold and my foot put the trip off till afternoon. Met Ken Dunn who is one excellent photographer for a walk in Rowe Woods. Ken and I met last year at Capture Cincinnati's Book awards and book signing. My foot was still hurting but I can not recall anything that could cause it, so I went for a nice long walk showing him some of my favorite locations in Rowe Woods. It felt a little better till last night. Was very sore but I put on a cast and it feels better today. I guess I will gimp around unless it gets worse, same foot I broke a couple years back. It is hell getting old, but I prefer it to the alt.